As the summer of 2024 draws to a close, students across Niagara are set to return to school on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. To mark the occasion, the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS) will be conducting its 24th annual Back-to-School Traffic Safety and Awareness Day.

This initiative sees senior officers and members of specialty units who are not regularly assigned to uniform patrol duties donning their uniforms and joining forces with general patrol officers to enhance traffic safety around local school zones. This year, an additional 50+ officers are expected to take to the streets as part of this important campaign.

Organized by the NRPS Traffic Enforcement Unit, this year’s campaign will focus on Community Safety Zones near schools throughout Niagara. These zones are specifically designed to encourage safer driving behavior in areas where public safety is of heightened concern. Within these zones, fines for traffic violations are increased, with speeding fines being doubled. While the rules of the road remain the same, the penalties for violations within these zones are significantly harsher.

In addition to monitoring speed, officers will also be on the lookout for other traffic violations, including distracted driving and seat belt infractions.

With the return of classes, school buses will also be back on the roads. Over 100 buses in the Niagara area are equipped with video cameras to capture evidence of drivers who fail to stop for loading school buses. If an infraction is captured on video, the evidence is sent to the Niagara Regional Police, and if grounds for a charge exist, an offense notice is mailed to the vehicle owner’s last known address.

Crossing Guards play a vital role in our community when comes to keeping children safe.  Support your local School Crossing Guards by:

Guard signals you to stop; all cyclists and drivers must stop

Understand and follow the posted speed limits, especially in school zones

Always check before turning at intersections

Remain stopped until all pedestrians and guard have cleared the crossing. It is the


Do not drop kids off in NO Stopping and NO parking zones

 The Niagara Regional Police Service remains committed to road safety throughout the entire year. Officers will continue to focus on traffic safety in school zones by targeting aggressive and distracted drivers.

The Niagara Regional Police Service urges all drivers to remain vigilant, exercise caution, and be aware of their surroundings, especially around schools and other educational facilities.

As we remind motorists to prioritize safety near schools, we also encourage parents and students to keep safety top of mind. Below are links to resources that can help make the 2024/2025 school year safe and successful:

Let’s work together to ensure a safe and productive school year for all.