Our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Unit is comprised of both sworn and civilian members who are committed to ensuring that the Niagara Regional Police Service is providing education and tools to both our members and the general public on the importance of promoting inclusivity within the police service and the Niagara Region.
This is accomplished through voluntary, as well as mandatory internal educational opportunities for our members, community outreach and events, as well as crime prevention and community safety initiatives throughout the Niagara Region.
View the 2024-2025 EDI Strategic Plan here.
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Request for EDI Unit’s Attendance at a Community Event
Would you like us to be a part of your community event? EDI Unit strives to be equally available to communities across Niagara Region.
You can access the form by clicking here.
Once completed, please submit you form to unit at EDI@niagarapolice.ca
Please note that we require a minimum two weeks’ notice.
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Communication Placards
We've designed these placards for individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing to carry with them and use to communicate with our officers, should they ever need to. Available to download or pick up at any of the front desks of our Districts.
Have you witnessed or believe you may be the victim of a hate crime? REPORT IT!
Click here for more information on hate crimes/incidents and how you can report them.
For more information on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and/or the Niagara Regional Police Service Chief of Police – Community Inclusion Council, please consider contacting us by email at EDI@niagarapolice.ca.