citizen police academy sign

Niagara Regional Police Service Citizen Police Academy

Welcome to the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS) Citizen Police Academy! Our academy provides an exclusive opportunity for citizens of Niagara to gain valuable insight into the policing profession and strengthen community relationships.

A Citizen Police Academy is a free opportunity for members of the communities to meet and interact with NRPS personnel and learn firsthand what police officers in Niagara do every day.  Over the duration of the multi week program, the NRPS will have opportunities to engage with members of our communities which will foster a better understanding of policing and create community based, knowledge backed champions.  

Taught by NRPS subject matter experts, citizens will also gain a better understanding of how they can partner with us to keep our communities safe.

We are now accepting applications, with the Academy launching in September 2024 for 8 consecutive weeks. 

The primary location will be at 5700 Valley Way in Niagara Falls.

Citizen participants will be required to provide their own means of travel.  The location of the sessions may be at different NRPS sites in Niagara.  NRPS personnel WILL not provide transportation.

Successful applicants will be notified via email in August.

Participants would be selected to reflect the broadest possible range of individuals within the Niagara communities. Efforts will be made to obtain a diverse class based on age, gender, community of residency, cultural or religious backgrounds, commitment to community and community involvement.


  • Be of good moral character
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Work or reside (including full time students) in the Niagara Region
  • Pass a background security check administered by NRPS personnel.  Due to this unique program offered by NRPS, the sensitive nature of its content, and the secure areas in which the program is held, a higher level of security must be met.)
  • No criminal record
  • Submit a copy of a government photo identification.
  • Be able to attend all sessions. Students must attend every week to graduate; exceptions will only be made under exigent circumstances.
  • Pass PARQ screening if applicable.



The complete application to join the NRPS Citizen Police Academy is to be submitted (preferably) to the email address:

The complete hard copy application package can also be delivered to NRPS Headquarters located at 5700 Valley Way in Niagara Falls.

“Attn. Citizen Police Academy – Corporate Communications Unit”

APPLICATION DEADLINE:              12:00pm - June 16, 2024

*Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


Selected applicants only will be required to sign a waiver prior to involvement in the Academy.


A complete application package MUST include:

  1. Complete personal application
  2. Copy of government photo identification