Applicants that are successful through the entire application process and are offered employment will be required to attend for mandatory training. The training process will take just over 4 months from your hire date until you are assigned to a shift within the Niagara Region.
Once hired, recruits attend our quartermaster stores to be outfitted with uniforms and all necessary equipment to complete the necessary training.
Recruits attend the Niagara Regional Police Service Training Unit for two weeks prior to attending the Ontario Police College (OPC) Basic Constable Training Program. Members of the Training Unit prepare recruits for their time at OPC.
Once pre-OPC training is complete, Recruits attend the Ontario Police College for the 13 week Basic Constable Training Program. This program demands excellent physical and academic abilities to complete. While at OPC, recruits will have the opportunity to meet and interact with officers from other police services from throughout the Province of Ontario. Recruits will be expected to successfully complete all components of the program. Some courses go outside the regular scheduled working hours to successfully complete. Recruits are welcome to travel to and from OPC on weekends and evenings when training is not scheduled.
Upon graduating from the Ontario Police College, Recruits return to the Niagara Regional Police Service Training Unit for 3 weeks of in-house training. The training period is a salaried position from start to finish.
Recruits then attend the swearing in ceremony where they are officially sworn in as uniformed police constables. They are assigned to a shift throughout the Niagara Region and are partnered with a coach officer for a minimum of 60 regular working shifts. Once approved by senior staff, the new constables are approved for independent patrol.