
The Niagara Regional Police Service Chief of Police – Community Inclusion Council (CoP-CIC) was formed in recognition of the need to enhance the relationship between the Police and the increasingly more diverse communities of the Niagara Region we serve.

Value Statement: Through collaboration, transparency, strong communication strategy and in partnership with the community, we are committed to the following: 

  • To acknowledge TRC / MMIWG as a priority;
  • Affirm the Charter of Rights & Freedoms;
  • Affirm the dignity of all, regardless of heritage, education, beliefs, race, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental capabilities, or income (Human Rights Code);
  • Leverage diversity and inclusivity to foster an environment of respect, understanding and accepting differences;
  • Build public awareness, develop, nurture, support and promote a culture of diversity and inclusivity;
  • Recognize that diversity and inclusivity are central to the Niagara Region being viewed as a welcoming and safe community;


The Niagara Regional Police Service Chief of Police – Community Inclusion Council (CoP-CIC) is committed to realizing its motto "A community that works together for the safety of all" by promoting access, equity, inclusion, and human rights for all Niagara Region’s residents and by making reconciliation with Indigenous peoples a priority.


The CoP-CIC informs the Chief of Police on matters related to equity, diversity, inclusion, and elimination of racism and discrimination on strategic priorities using an intersectional and community driven approach. CoP-CIC is not a substitute for public consultation but provides a structured mechanism for ongoing community liaison and advises the Chief of Police on approaches to enhance equity related strategies.

The CoP-CIC offers strategic advice, tools and services that promote and embed inclusionary policies and practices into NRPS services and programs in order to produce equity of outcomes for NRPS employees and residents. The CoP-CIC ensures that the chief's efforts are informed through direct and ongoing engagement with Indigenous peoples, equity-seeking groups, and community leaders. CoP-CIC acts as a resource the Chief of Police by providing expert advice on equity policy and framework, implementation ideas, programs and services in development or under review. CoP-CIC provides an intersectional equity lens, which is especially important as NRPS staff work through early concept planning phases and during periods of growth and change in the NRPS and supports capacity to serve an increasingly diverse population and workforce.


In Scope


CoP-CIC focuses on conversations regarding strategies, approaches, and public policy issues that are within the jurisdiction of the NRPS to manage and deliver. This includes any service, program or initiative falling within the authority of police divisions.

CoP-CIC provides an opportunity for NRPS staff and community partners to come together to identify, discuss and make recommendations, often in early planning stages. Recommendations made by CoP-CIC may or may not be later incorporated in staff reports presented to NRPS.

CoP-CIC will:

- Consider the priorities of the Chief of Police and NRPS and will support NRPS staff to ensure effective and equitable opportunities and outcomes in these priority areas.

- Provide recommendations to NRPS staff in situations when the Service could benefit from input from community partners but a formal public consultation may not be feasible or practicable at the time.

- Promote and enhance Niagara Region as a safe region and improve the quality of life for all residents.

- Advise the Chief on promoting equity, inclusion and diversity in the way the Service delivers programs and services.

- Position the NRPS, its advisory committees and the Chief of Police with knowledge and resources to encourage a range of perspectives, experiences and ideas in decision-making.

- Provide advice and support in the development and implementation of policies and programs related to diversity, equity and inclusion.

- Work with community partners to organize civic events to promote equity, diversity, inclusion and the elimination of racism and discrimination.

- Develop and implement an annual award for inclusivity / leadership as part of the NRPS Equity, Diversity & Inclusion award.

- Share and promote regional equity, inclusion, and diversity events fostering cross-collaboration between equity seeking groups, the community at large, and the NRPS.


Out of Scope

CoP-CIC is not a substitute for public consultation.

CoP-CIC will not directly instruct or govern the Niagara Regional Police Services Board or individual members/units of the NRPS.

CoP-CIC is not responsible for determining NRPS budget or resourcing decisions.


The CoP-CIC is comprised of 15-18 members, including individual stakeholders, representatives from local institutions and community-based organizations. Membership is by invitation or by a solicitation of public interest.

Proxies or alternate members will be permitted, subject to the same approval and background check as the primary.

Membership is voluntary and members will not be financially compensated for participation.

Members are required to attend all meetings and will be requested to vacate their membership if more than two meetings per year are missed.

Prospective members are required to submit a Background Check Authorization for membership. The Background Check results will not be shared with the public. The Background Check results will only be shared with the Chief or his designate in order to ensure that members are representative of the values, mission, and purpose of the CoP-CIC and whose membership will not disparage the reputation of the NRPS and/or the CoP-CIC.

CoP-CIC is intended to provide a venue for the discussion of germinating ideas, therefore members are required to sign non-disclosure agreements. CoP-CIC recognizes the important role(s) that members play in the community and as such the non-disclosure agreement is not more restrictive than is absolutely necessary to protect the integrity of the CoP-CIC.

Members will bring their lived experience, knowledge and skills to support the Region's equity initiatives and strategies. CoP-CIC and NRPS staff will ensure appropriate intersectional representation of the following groups, including but not limited to:
  • Francophone individuals
  • Immigrants and refugees
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Multi-faith groups
  • People with disabilities
  • Persons with low Income
  • Racialized people
  • Undocumented individuals
  • Vulnerable Seniors
  • Vulnerable Youth
  • Women

In addition, members will be sought to ensure a diverse representation of Niagara Regional Police Services Chief’s Community Inclusion Council neighbourhoods.

Representation and membership is reviewed annually by CoP-CIC and NRPS staff to ensure that all relevant sectors involved in equity issues and services are represented and that individual members are engaged and effective. Where a particular equity-seeking group is identified as underrepresented on CoP-CIC, new members based on representation of group, sector, community or neighbourhood may be sought.

A full list of current members is maintained by CoP-CIC and NRPS staff and is available upon request.

 Chair and Co-Chair

The CoP-CIC will be chaired by the Chief of Police, or a designate in their absence. 


Members of the CoP-CIC are appointed for a one year term. Membership will be re-evaluated after three terms.

 Working Groups

Working Groups may be developed based on issues and needs. Participation on working groups is not mandatory but members with particular expertise may be requested to participate. Where appropriate, working groups may need to recruit additional subject matter experts. The additional/ad-hoc working group members will be subject to the same background check and non-disclosure agreement as CoP-CIC members, and will not automatically gain membership to the Cop-CIC.



Meetings will be scheduled quarterly but may be as frequent as bi-monthly if there is need to discuss particular project(s). Each meeting will be scheduled for 2.5 hours. NRPS staff will be present at all meetings. NRPS staff will clerk meetings and create agendas.

Working group meetings will be led by program area/divisional NRPS staff participation as required. Working group meetings may be in person, web or teleconference formats.



At least 50% plus one member must be present for all CoP-CIC meetings. If Quorum is not met the meeting will be cancelled and/or rescheduled.



For more information on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and  / or the Niagara Regional Police Services Chief of Police – Community Inclusion Council please consider contacting: