Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA)
The Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA) came into force on April 1, 2024, replacing the Ontario Police Services Act. The new legislation makes significant changes to the legislative structure of policing in Ontario, with the intention of modernizing the policing framework, strengthening police governance and oversight, and improving community safety. Board By-laws in accordance with the CSPA are as follows:
- Accessibility Standards - 431-2024
- Accessibility Standards for Customer Service - 432-2024
- Acoustic Hailing Devices - 464-2024
- Active Attacker Incidents - 507-2024
- Adequate and Effective Policing - 508-2024
- Administration, Limitations and Guidelines of the Special Fund - 403-2024
- Administration of Disclosure of Secondary Activities to the Chief of Police - 433-2024
- Administration of Public Complaints System - Police Officers - 434-2024
- Administration of Public Complaints System - Special Constables Employed by the Board - 509-2024
- Administration of the Police Service - 522-2024
- Appointment of Special Constables - Niagara Regional Police Service - 465-2024
- Appointment of Special Constables - Special Constable Employers - 466-2024
- Arrest - 435-2024
- Bail and Violent Crime - 436-2024
- Board Member Education and Event Participation - 521-2024
- Canine Units - 467-2024
- Chief of Police Performance Evaluation System - 405-2024
- Child Abuse and Neglect - 437-2024
- Child Pornography (Internet Child Exploitation) - 438-2024
- Citizen Rewards by the NRPS - 406-2024
- Code of Conduct, Complaints and Other Governance Responsibilities of Board Members - 407-2024
- Collection of Identifying Information in Certain Circumstances - Prohibitions and Duties - 468-2024
- Collection Preservation and Control of Evidence and Property - 469-2024
- Collision Reconstruction User Fees - 523-2024
- Communicable Diseases - 470-2024
- Communications and Dispatch - 471-2024
- Community Based Crime Prevention - 472-2024
- Communicable Diseases - 470-2024
- Community Patrol - 473-2024
- Conflicts of Interest of Police Service Members - 510-2024
- Court Security - 474-2024
- Crime Analysis - 439-2024
- Criminal Harassment - 440-2024
- Criminal Intelligence - 441-2024
- Criminal Investigation Management and Procedure - 442-2024
- Crisis Negotiation - 475-2024
- Disclosure of COVID-19 Status Information - Suspended By Law - 409-2024
- Domestic and Family Violence Occurrences - 511-2024
- Drug Investigations - 443-2024
- Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse - 444-2024
- Electronic Monitoring of Employees Policy - 410-2024
- Emergency Planning - 476-2024
- Equal Opportunity and Workplace Harassment - 411-2024
- Equipment - Body Armour - 477-2024
- Explosives Forced Entry and Explosive Disposal - 478-2024
- Extreme Incident Response Plan - 512-2024
- Financial Reporting Control and Procurement of Goods and Services - 412-2024
- Framework for Annual Reporting - 445-2024
- Framework for Strategic Planning - 413-2024
- Fraud and False Pretence Investigation - 446-2024
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act - 415-2024
- Fundraising of Service Related Organizations - 414-2024
- Hate/Bias Motivated Crime and Hate Propaganda Offences - 447-2024
- Hostage Rescue - 480-2024
- Illegal Gaming - 448-2024
- Informants and Agents - 449-2024
- Internal Complaints Against Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of Police - 513-2024
- Internal Complaints Regarding Misconduct of Police Officers - 514-2024
- Internal Complaints Regarding Misconduct of Special Constables - 515-2024
- Internal Task Forces - 450-2024
- Interprovincial Policing Act - 451-2024
- Investigations Into Homicides - 481-2024
- Joint Forces Operations - 452-2024
- Legal Indemnification of Auxiliary Members of the Service - 416-2024
- Legal Indemnification of Board Members - 417-2024
- Major Incident Command - 482-2024
- Management and Disposition - Civil Actions Against Police - 418-2024
- Management of Police Records - 516-2024
- Marine Unit - 483-2024
- Marked Patrol Vehicles - 484-2024
- Missing Persons - 485-2024
- Niagara Police Service Board Procedural By-Law - 404-2024
- Occupational Health and Safety - 419-2024
- Officer Note Taking - 486-2024
- Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act for Violence and Harassment Prevention in the Workplace - 430-2024
- Ontario Sex Offender Registry - 453-2024
- Parental and Non-Parental Abductions - 454-2024
- Persons in Custody - 455-2024
- Police Action at Labour Disputes - 487-2024
- Police Foundation Program - 420-2024
- Police Response to False Alarms - 488-2024
- Police Response to High Risk Individuals - 489-2024
- Police Response to Persons in Crisis - Mental Illness - Neurodevelopmental Disability - 456-2024
- Police Uniforms - 490-2024
- Policing First Nations Occupations and Protests - 491-2024
- Preliminary Perimeter Control and Containment - 492-2024
- Preventing or Responding to Occurrences Involving Firearms - 479-2024
- Problem-Oriented Policing - 493-2024
- Proceeds of Crime - 494-2024
- Property Offences (including Break and Enter) - 457-2024
- Protocols-Shared Service Agreements-Other Contracts with Police Service and Other Organizations - 421-2024
- Public Order Units - 495-2024
- Quality Assurance and Audit - 517-2024
- Restriction on Membership in a Police Association - 518-2024
- Right to Disconnect from Work - 422-2024
- Robbery Investigations - 496-2024
- Safe Storage of Police Service Firearms - 497-2024
- Search and Seizure - 458-2024
- Secure Holsters - 498-2024
- Service Members - Hiring/Appointments, Probationary Police Officers, Promotions, Resignations, Retirements, Terminations - 519-2024
- Sexual Assault Investigations - 499-2024
- Skills Development and Learning Plan - 423-2024
- Solicitation and Acceptance of Public Donations Sponsorships Private Sector Funding - 424-2024
- Special Paid Duty Rates - 425-2024
- Speed Detection Devices - 500-2024
- Stolen or Smuggled Firearms - 459-2024
- Sudden Death and Found Human Remains - 501-2024
- Supervision - 502-2024
- Tactical Units - 503-2024
- Traffic Management Enforcement and Road Safety - 504-2024
- Underwater Search and Recovery Units - 505-2024
- Use of Auxiliaries and Volunteers - 426-2024
- Use of Board Issued Equipment and Technology - 427-2024
- Use of Force - 506-2024
- Use of Police Services Board Resources during an Election Period - 428-2024
- User Fee Charges for Police Services - 524-2024
- Vehicle Pursuits - 520-2024
- Vehicle Theft - 460-2024
- Victims' Assistance - 461-2024
- Witness Protection and Security - 462-2024
- Youth Crime - 463-2024