The Niagara Regional Police Service would like to remind parents that children under the age of 18 years must wear an approved helmet while operating a bicycle. Failure to comply with this section of the Highway Traffic Act could result in a fine of $83.00.
In order to be approved, a helmet must meet one of the following standards:
- Canadian Standards Association CAN/CSA D113.2-M89
- Snell Memorial Foundation B-95, N-94, B-90, B90S
- American National Standards Institute ANSIZ90.4-1984
- British Standards Institute BSG863:1989
- Standards Association of Australia AS2063.2-1990
Helmets with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) label alone are not approved at this time. Although these helmets are likely safe, they currently do not comply with regulation 610 of the Highway Traffic Act and should be limited to off road use.