Making Sure Children and Parents are Buckled Up
Over the past three years, improper use of seatbelts and child safety restraints has been a contributing factor in over 75% of the serious injury and fatal motor vehicle collisions on Niagara's roadways.
Currently, any child under 9 kg. (20 lbs) must be in a properly secured rear-facing car seat and a child between 9 kg. and 18 kg. (20 lbs to 40 lbs) must be in a properly secured forward-facing car seat.
Under provincial law children who are between 18 kg. to 36 kg. (40 lbs to 80 lbs), less than 145 cm (4 feet 9 inches) in height, or under the age of 8 must be in approved booster seats. Once they reach any of these milestones, it is important to ensure that the seatbelt fits them properly before moving them out of a booster seat and into a conventional car seat.