The Offender Management Unit (OMU) oversees the release of all high-risk Federal and Provincial parolees into the Niagara Region. The OMU also manages the National and Provincial Sex Offender Registries for sex offenders that reside in the Niagara Region. A detective assigned to this Unit is highly trained in doing threat assessments on persons charged with criminal offences by the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS). The OMU is an important resource to all units in the NRPS. The unit was formed in 2001 and is currently staffed with two detective constables.
The Offender Management Unit develops management strategies for high-risk federal and provincial parolees to ensure they are complying with court ordered conditions and to prevent further criminal behaviour. The OMU liaises with other police services as well as Correctional Service of Canada, the Provincial Probation and Parole Offices, the Ontario Sex Offender Registry operated by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), and the National Sex Offender Registry. The OMU conducts checks on individuals who are on Release Orders, as well as those that are on either of the sex offender registries. Where an individual is violating a condition of release and evidence exists, the OMU will work with the appropriate agency to bring the offender before the courts. The two detective constables in this unit are highly trained in the area of General Investigative Techniques, Major Case Management, ODARA – Ontario Domestic Violence Assault Risk Assessment, and Search Warrants.
For further information on the sex offender registries please see the links below:
For information regarding the National Sex Offender registry please go to the Public Safety Canada website.
For information regarding the Ontario Sex Offender Registry please go to the Ministry of the Solicitor General website.
For further information on the Offender Management Unit you can contact the Unit Supervisor at (905) 688-4111 Ext. 1005121