Video Unit
The Niagara Regional Police Service Video Unit was formed in 1982 as a cost-effective means of providing in-service training to its members. Thirty-one years later, the four-member Unit has earned an international reputation for quality and innovation. The Unit has received nearly 200 awards for production excellence, including the prestigious Law Enforcement Video Association’s Award of Distinction for Best Overall Video on nine occasions.
The Video Unit’s time and resources are split between four primary tasks:
The Unit produces videos for training, community services and corporate communications, as well as e-learning courses. The Unit also assists with multimedia, web and desktop publishing tasks such as logo and web design, graphics support, publications and posters.
The Video Unit provides technical support to many Units within the Service. The Unit also plays a major role in presentation support, identifying needs, setting up and operating a wide variety of presentation equipment. The Unit is also frequently called upon to document these events.
Video Unit members actively assist investigators from both within and outside the Service acquiring and enhancing a variety of video and audio-based evidence. Operational tasks include documenting crime scenes, interviews and statements, walk-throughs, re-enactments, warrant executions and other major events.
Ontario Police Video Training Alliance (OPVTA)
The Ontario Police Video Training Alliance (OPVTA) was formed in 1996 and takes up approximately half of the Unit’s time and resources. The OPVTA is financially self-sufficient, as full cost recovery is achieved from membership fees. Through its leadership role in the OPVTA, and in conjunction with the Ontario Police College (OPC), the Video Unit produces and distributes training videos, e-learning courses and support materials to a police audience of nearly 25,000 officers representing over 90 member agencies. Topics for production are identified at meetings held at the OPC. The OPVTA has been officially partnered with the OPC since 1998. OPC subject matter experts assist with research, accompany production teams on location and help prepare training packages. This helps ensure that all OPVTA materials are consistent with both OPC training and with Ministry standards. OPVTA projects proudly reflect the diversity of its membership, and feature the expertise, officers, citizens and locations from a variety of member jurisdictions. Staff from member Services also frequently assist OPC and NRPS production staff with research and script development. More information on the OPVTA may be found at http://www.opvta.com.