The Policy and Risk Management Unit reports to the Superintendent of Executive Services and consists of a Manager, two Constables and a Civilian Policy and Risk Management Assistant.
The Policy and Risk Management Unit is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Service policies, procedures and documentation required to meet compliance with the many legislated regulations and requirements, including but not limited to, the Police Services Act, the By-Laws of the Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Policing Adequacy Standard Guidelines, and the directives issued by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Policing Services Division, that govern the operation of the Niagara Regional Police Service. To monitor and maintain compliance with these mandates, the Policy and Risk Management Unit is responsible for the on-going corporate and Ministry audits and inspections
The Policy and Risk Management Unit is also responsible for the coordination of all civil actions brought against the Board, the Service and/or Service members, working in conjunction with the Region’s Legal Services Department and external legal firms to ensure that the interests of the aforementioned parties are effectively protected.