Motor Vehicle Collisions and Property Damage or Loss Reports

Please be advised, commencing January 1st, 2021, the Niagara Regional Police Service no longer accepts or processes requests for Motor Vehicle Collision Reports (SR-LD-401), as these reports are now available at a nominal cost from Ontario's Ministry of Transportation, who hold the greater interest in these reports.

Individuals requiring a copy of a Motor Vehicle Collision Report can access Service Ontario's webpage for specific directions on how to order reports online, in person at any Service Ontario Centre, or by mail directed to the Ministry of Transportation.  A certified copy costs $18.00 CAN or an uncertified copy costs $12.00 CAN.  A copy of the information required to be shared under s. 200(1)(c) of the Highway Traffic Act, (commonly referred to as a "driver's copy"), can still be obtained free of charge by an involved party at any of the NRPS District Front Desks, or the Records Counter.

For all other requests concerning property damage or loss reports, or witness statements and officer notes from motor vehicle collisions, please direct your request to the Niagara Regional Police Service Insurance Desk.

For requests concerning full reconstruction reports, please contact our Reconstruction Unit at 905-688-4111, option 3, extension 1025500.

For collisions reported to any of the Collision Reporting Centres within Niagara Region, individuals can contact Accident Support Services International in order to obtain a copy of their report.

Should you have any further questions with respect to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our Insurance Clerk at (905) 688-4111, option 3, extension 1024565.

How to Make a Request - Individual Involved

A Request for Records From Insurance Desk Form is provided for your assistance and can be downloaded in PDF format. For an accessible version of the form please contact the Insurance Desk.

You must provide enough detail in your request to assist us in identifying the record(s) you wish to access upon a reasonable effort.  If you don't provide enough detail for us to locate the record(s) you wish to access, we will ask you for clarification.  If clarification is not sufficient, we will not process your request.

Once you complete this form, and any other appropriate documents, the application may be dropped off at any Niagara Regional Police Service District Front Desk, or you may mail in your request with notarized copies of your identification.


Insurance Desk
Niagara Regional Police Service
5700 Valley Way
Niagara Falls, Ont., L2E 1X8

Phone: 905-688-4111, option 3, extension 1024565


If you drop off your application at a District, be prepared to show two pieces of government issued identification, one with a photo, in order to confirm your identity.


Please note that requests will not be accepted by fax or e-mail. 


How to Make a Request - Law Firm or Insurance Company

If you are a law firm acting on behalf of a client, or an insurance company requesting details about your insured, please submit your written request on letterhead, being sure to enclose a signed authorization / consent form made out to the Niagara Regional Police Service and signed by your client or insured, to:


Insurance Desk
Niagara Regional Police Service
5700 Valley Way
Niagara Falls, Ont., L2E 1X8

Phone: 905-688-4111, option 3, extension 1024565


Please note: For witness statements and officer notes, processing fees will be invoiced to you, and payment must be received, before any documents are provided.  


Please note that requests will not be accepted by fax or e-mail. 



Property Damage or Loss Report

$73.45 (each) - includes H.S.T.

Motor Vehicle Collision Officer Notes

$56.50 (each) - includes H.S.T.

Motor Vehicle Collision Witness Statements

$56.50 (each) - includes H.S.T.


NRPS Locations and Hours 

  • 1 District - 198 Welland Ave., St. Catharines (Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
  • 2 District - 5700 Valley Way, Niagara Falls (Records Counter Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
  • 2 District - 5700 Valley Way, Niagara Falls (Front Desk open 24/7)
  • 3 District - 5 Lincoln St., Welland (Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
  • 5 District - 650 Gilmore Rd., Fort Erie (Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.)
  • 6 District - 501 Fielden Ave., Port Colborne (As of February 18, 6 District is closed to the public for renovations)
  • 8 District - 45 Clarke St., Grimsby (Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.)