Traffic Services conducts a number of programs throughout the year, inclusive to those listed below. Statistics related to these initiatives may be found in the Niagara Regional Police Service's Annual Report, which is available in the Reports and Publications section of our Web site.
R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Drivers Everywhere)
The R.I.D.E. program is an important part of reducing offences involving drinking and driving. To achieve this goal, Traffic Services sets up checkpoints, and stops vehicles to determine whether drivers may be impaired. Tested at the roadside, drivers who have been drinking may be issued with 12-hour licence suspensions or arrested for drinking and driving related offences.
The R.I.D.E. program has proven very successful at deterring and apprehending impaired drivers, as well as continuing to provide public awareness surrounding the issues concerning drinking and driving. Operating from provincial grant money as well as on-duty personnel, the program operates year round with specific focus placed on high occurrence periods such as the December holiday time frame. Although the majority of provincial R.I.D.E funding is allocated during the peak December period, a portion of the funding is set aside for target initiatives and specific high profile events associated with identified drinking and driving related issues.
Operation Impact
Operation Impact is a provincially led initiative, which was expanded and modified to suit the needs of the Niagara Region. Designed to target both impaired and aggressive drivers, this campaign involves vehicles being stopped across the province, with drivers who are believed to be impaired required to provide immediate breath samples.
Aggressive Driving Initiatives

Under the direction of Traffic Services, the Niagara Regional Police Service participates in numerous traffic safety initiatives that focus on the issues surrounding aggressive driving. Aggressive driving enforcement campaigns delivered by the Service include rural enforcement, red light and stop sign programs, along with targeting of impaired drivers.
Operation Roadworthy
Operation Roadworthy was launched in 2003 to address the concern that members of the community were operating unsafe motor vehicles and needlessly putting lives at risk. Vehicles are stopped during this initiative are given a mechanical examination, and may be declared unfit with drivers issued repair orders to avoid a Highway Traffic Act charge.
Traffic Safety and Enforcement Day
The goal of this program is to encourage voluntary compliance with traffic laws and raise driver awareness as children return to school. The annual Traffic Safety and Enforcement day involves all on duty officers being re-deployed to traffic enforcement. Officers involved with this initiative are deployed in school zones across the entire Niagara Region between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:00 pm.